Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Touring the Art-making Scenery--Sunday, June 8th

Bethany and Clay (cottage owners) came this morning to try to fix the dryer, to tend to the flowers, and to mow the grass. We were here when they arrived, but we decided it would be best to leave while they were here so they could do whatever they needed to do without us being in their way.
My Personal Photographer (he goes where I go)
Schoodic Point

Schoodic Point

Schoodic Point

Schoodic Point

Today, we decided to take a drive around the Schoodic Point loop. This is where Bob last saw the Eider  (a duck). The drive is a beautiful one that takes us first through the artsy village of Winter Harbor. In Winter Harbor, there is a very unique 5&10 that seems to have a little bit of everything. We picked up a bird feeder, the Sunday New York Times, a t-shirt, a couple of birthday cards, and a planter. We also stopped at a small gallery/antique store where I found yet another basket that I just had to have. Then we were off to Schoodic Point for picture taking and duck hunting (by camera).

Bob--The bird nerd

The Male Eider

Schoodic Point

I wanted to get some good shots of landscapes since this area has islands, mountains, rocky shores, the ocean, and splashy waves. The difference in our physical condition from two years ago to now was obvious as we climbed down the rocky cliffs to get some good shots and some ocean breezes. Wow! We’re either old or out of shape—probably both. Lo and behold don’t we see Eiders (the duck)—two males and two females (as well as a flock flying by).

We amused ourselves by experimenting with our cameras trying various settings and taking shot after shot of the scenery and the ducks. After a while, we left for the cottage.

On our way to the cottage, we stopped by one of our favorite antique places (but we didn’t buy anything). I think we’re both at the stage that we are trying to delete “stuff” rather than add it. I guess that’s good.

When we returned to the cottage, we got the bad news that something is wrong with the dryer itself—although Clay got it all hooked up and vented. The grass was mowed and the flowers were watered.

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