Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Visit to Bangor (the “big” city)--Monday, June 9th

Today, we had a schedule service visit for the Toyota Sienna at the nearest Toyota place—over an hour away in Bangor. The drive seemed much shorter than we both had remembered it being in the past. We left at around 9:30 AM and after some difficult traffic in and around Ellsworth, we were on our way to Bangor. 

Our first stop was Shirley’s Yarns. That’s where we could both pick up any art supplies we might be missing. I usually find something else to buy besides art supplies, but, once again, I didn’t see anything I really needed besides paint thinner. Bob bought a few art things for his projects as well.

Don’t hate me, but I wanted to so some shopping and Bangor was my opportunity to buy something other than a kitschy Maine souvenir. My first stop was Dress Barn. I bought a few tops and a pair of shoes, and while I shopped, Bob went to Famous Footwear next door and bought a pair of hiking boots. His poor tootsies have been hurting him to the point of debilitation. This was good that he actually bought himself something—he rarely does. 

Although I had wanted to go to Ulta, and there was an Ulta right next to Dress Barn, I was done shopping. I did want to check out a Farmer’s Market that wasn’t far from the mall location, so we did that. Unfortunately, it is only open on Saturdays. 
Sea Dog Brewery Inside
Sea Dog Brewery Deck Overlooking the river

Our trip was primarily to take the Toyota to be serviced, but really we were excited to hit the Sea Dog Brewery once again. The beer is terrific and the food is top notch. On this occasion, it was nice to see that things hadn’t changed. Since it was a little warmer than it had been (about 83), we decided not to sit on the deck overlooking the river. We sat inside. I tasted a raspberry beer, but I decided on a mango cocktail. Bob got an IPA. We were starving but decided (since we have been doing so well eating healthy and Less) that we would not order an appetizer (two gold stars for us). Bob ordered a hamburger. Now Bob usually orders hamburgers, but I have to say, he hasn’t had a hamburger in two weeks and we’ve eaten out a lot—on our trip and since our arrival. I ordered fish tacos. They were delicious and so was Bob’s burger. Both of us left food on our plates (yay us!). I had another cocktail and then one on the house. No desserts for us (actually, I drank my dessert, right?)

It was time to drive to the Toyota place in Brewster. We were early, but they took us anyway. No charge. Bob and I got to use the Internet (a good thing since the reception at the cottage is extremely spotty and both of us have been frustrated by the lack of service. The nearest tower is 23 miles away and the cottage is surrounded by forest and ocean making it even harder to get a signal.) I have a Verizon hotspot, but even that only helps us get a 1x signal. There’s also no television here—must have satellite or dish. I don’t miss the television (and I’m a TV addict) and I’m hoping that this poor reception helps wean me off my other addiction, the Internet. So we spent 45 minutes online and that was enough for me to check Facebook and my email—albeit quickly.

Found out from Bryn that she is coming for a few days so she flies into Portland and rents a car, drives to Bar Harbor to drop off the car and we’ll pick her up after spending the day there. Then she’s here for two days and the third day we’ll drive down to Portland in the morning and spend the day with her there until she flies out at 7PM. Nice.
Margo and Antoinette (my cousin) are coming July 6th (the day after Bryn leaves) and then Heath comes in on the 13th—another Bangor trip and visit to the Sea Dog (YUM). The Jensens come around August 10th. We love company and get to show everyone why we love coming here and take the long trip cross country to do so.

We’ve been going to bed pretty early (9-10 PM) because we get up with the sun and the raucous birds. I actually love that though and hope I can keep up this rhythm when we return to Phoenix.
On the way back to the cottage, we went by TJ Maxx (I bought socks) and the antique store we had visited yesterday to pick up an old pitcher with three glasses that Bob had seen there yesterday. I’m glad we did because we needed something to make iced tea in and I hate drinking out of plastic pitchers (which we will now use to water the plants).

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