Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hanging Out Saturday--June 21st

We decided not to go to the beer fest in Bangor. Too much driving in the last two days.

So we
1. did clothes and hung them on the line to dry
2. tended our garden
3. filled the bird feeders
4. hung one hammock and read in it for an hour or so
5. emptied the rain out of the kayaks
6. drank wine/ate cheese
7. picked wildflowers
8. mounted the camera in front of the bird feeder
9. read
10 made dinner--grilled steak, corn on the cob, brown rice

Here are some unpublished pictures all taken on the cottage grounds--right outside our windows:

Red Squirrel

Nearing sunset

Sunset from the side of our cottage

Our kayaks

Wildflowers everywhere

Cottage tulips

Cottage lilacs

Male House finch


Female Goldfinch

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