Friday, June 27, 2014

Rain, Rain--but we don't care--June 24th to January 26

Rain. I love rain and so does Bob especially when it is paired with cool temps. Makes a person want to sleep and cuddle or drink hot toddies or hot buttered rum. So, what did we do? So hard to remember.

We did some clothes, tried to find the suet cage that the raccoon seems to take every single )*$))&%&& night. We actually saw the raccoon. He eats all the seed all night too. UGH!

We also did some cooking--had Spam and eggs one night, and chicken curry last night. We bought more groceries--God love us, we were so good the first trip and we both swore that we weren't going to buy any more groceries until we finished all these. Yeah, right! The tiny fridge is full to capacity.

I did discover that I love Cabot Greek Yogurt (full fat kind) with Maine Maple syrup and granola (we put them in little Ball canning jars). We've been walking about three miles a day, but lately I've been getting bug bites all over--black flies and mosquitoes. Black flies hurt, but they don't leave a mark. It doesn't matter what you wear--light, dark, colorful. I try not to  put anything on my skin that has a nice scent (so I stink--no, just kidding).

I can't get over how early we go to bed early--it's something we joke about all the time. I'll go in around 8 PM, but I read and don't really start falling asleep until 10:30 PM. I've been reading a book called The Interestings which started out like an adolescent novel, is a bit manic, and now I'm really into it. It's also 450 pages which is a good thing. I'm so sick of buying books that are less than 250 pages. What a ripoff! I've also been reading The Secret Life of Lobsters and another book of essays by a Yale graduate who died in a car accident right after graduation and right before starting work at The New Yorker. It is called The Opposite of Loneliness. Thanks, Marissa, I'm enjoying it. I'm also going through all of my thousands of magazines that have been coming in the mail and that I brought with me on the trip.

Soon company arrives. Tomorrow, a cruise on a four-masted schooner, the Margaret Todd.

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