Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It’s All in the Wash -- Tuesday, June 10th

Today is laundry day. Bob went into Milbridge to the Laundromat while I stayed here setting up the art stuff, cleaning, more organizing, and experimenting with the different mosquito repellents. Hahahaha! None of them worked very well, actually, and the mosquitos are horrible this year. I got bit in bed three times last night. They come in whenever the door is opened—even though we try to get in and out quickly. I hung white lights, cleaned off our shoes, and pretty soon, I’m thinking of planting some of the flowers we bought. 

Bob was in a pissy mood to begin with but then he called me furious that the change machine at the Laundromat was broken. He had to go to the bank to get quarters. It cost 20 dollars to do all the clothes and he was annoyed. I had better get the clothesline up so we can keep us with small loads of laundry on days that we’re home (and hang them on days that it doesn’t rain). It’s been cloudy and a bit drizzly, but we Arizonans like the rain—at least these two do.

Bob was gone quite a while and I got a lot done. I actually got to sit on the deck since the wind was blowing (which means no mosquitoes). Once the wind died down, however, it was back in the house where I read magazines and finished my David Balducci novel.

Bob got home, we put our clothes away, and we had red-skinned Maine hot dogs for dinner. They were delicious. I had one but I wanted six. Bob was exhausted, so he went to bed at 7:30 PM. I stayed up and read for a while and tried futilely to connect to the Internet. My third crossword puzzle was completed and then I cuddled up in the blankets (it was about 50 degrees) and went to sleep at about 10:30 PM.

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