Friday, June 27, 2014

The Margaret Todd--January 27th

What a glorious day! The sun was out despite our doubts when we went to bed last night and the sky was cloudy and dark. When we awoke, we were ready to shower and skeedaddle because one of Bob's bucket list experiences was on the schedule.

Parking in Bar Harbor is very difficult. Even when you find a place, you can only park for two or three hours depending on the signs. We had to be at the dock for our cruise by 1:30 PM for the 2:00 cruise. We got to Bar Harbor at 12:10 because the tourists (listen to me) had arrived and traffic was ridiculous. All of the roads are only two lanes so there's little one can do except enjoy the beautiful scenery. Many of our favorite parking spots were either full or roped off because of incoming tour buses. However, my sharp-eyed driver (Bob) spied a "Pay to Park" place not too far from where we had to go. So what? Two dollars an hour but no danger of a ticket nor did we have to move the car after two or three hours. SCORE!

Because we got out of the cottage as soon as we were ready, we were starving and had just enough time to get some lunch. Paddy's Pub and Restaurant, part of the West Street Hotel, didn't look too crowded, so we sat outside. Bob got--guess what? a hamburger and I got a lobster salad. The food was delicious! I had a gin and tonic and Bob had--what else? a beer.

On top of one of the restaurants--prettier at night lit up

A park overlooking the harbor

Bob at Paddy's

More art on a Bar Harbor gift shop

Lunch was delicious and we had plenty of time to board the ship. The walk was pleasant and we were allowed to board immediately since we had bought tickets online.
Onboard was a captain from Bayshore, NY and a park ranger to tell us about the history of the area and the islands and to point out any wildlife that Bob doesn't see first. Hahaha.

Bob got to help hoist the sail (or throw his weight around which is where that saying originated).

So hoist up the Margaret T sail!

Atta boy, Bob. One and two!

One and Two

Thanks, sailor ;-)

The scenery was absolutely gorgeous and it was so quiet since the wind moved the ship rather than the engine once we were away. It is a beautiful 4-masted schooner. It has a steel hull, so it's a windjammer. It's the only one on the east coast. Bob had quite a conversation with the captain who was tickled to have someone asking about sailing and the ship rather than eagles and lobsters and whales (oh my).
150 feet long at about 150 tons.
We learned about the islands in Frenchmen's Bay and about the Watanabe Indians. Also, I was educated about the geology of the reason and the formation of the Bay and the islands (which Bob had already told me).

Heading out

Sheep's Island

A party fishing boat next to the Margaret Todd

A panoramic shot I botched (one shot left)

At the end of our cruise, we saw a bald eagle near its nest. It was at the very top of the island on the very top of the tallest evergreen. Remarkable! Amazing! The next was there too but I couldn't make out the fledgling in the nest.

Once we disembarked, we continued to explore places we hadn't visited previously. But we did stop for more custard ice cream--I got caramel and Bob got chocolate. Yummy. A couple of drinks at Testa's to see our favorite bartenders, Glenn and Debbie (who remembered us from two years ago): I had a blueberry mojito and a creamsicle martini and Bob had two beers. And off we went toward home.

Since it looks like nice weather tomorrow, and high tide is at the right time, we're kayaking. Yaaaayyy! Finally.

Rain, Rain--but we don't care--June 24th to January 26

Rain. I love rain and so does Bob especially when it is paired with cool temps. Makes a person want to sleep and cuddle or drink hot toddies or hot buttered rum. So, what did we do? So hard to remember.

We did some clothes, tried to find the suet cage that the raccoon seems to take every single )*$))&%&& night. We actually saw the raccoon. He eats all the seed all night too. UGH!

We also did some cooking--had Spam and eggs one night, and chicken curry last night. We bought more groceries--God love us, we were so good the first trip and we both swore that we weren't going to buy any more groceries until we finished all these. Yeah, right! The tiny fridge is full to capacity.

I did discover that I love Cabot Greek Yogurt (full fat kind) with Maine Maple syrup and granola (we put them in little Ball canning jars). We've been walking about three miles a day, but lately I've been getting bug bites all over--black flies and mosquitoes. Black flies hurt, but they don't leave a mark. It doesn't matter what you wear--light, dark, colorful. I try not to  put anything on my skin that has a nice scent (so I stink--no, just kidding).

I can't get over how early we go to bed early--it's something we joke about all the time. I'll go in around 8 PM, but I read and don't really start falling asleep until 10:30 PM. I've been reading a book called The Interestings which started out like an adolescent novel, is a bit manic, and now I'm really into it. It's also 450 pages which is a good thing. I'm so sick of buying books that are less than 250 pages. What a ripoff! I've also been reading The Secret Life of Lobsters and another book of essays by a Yale graduate who died in a car accident right after graduation and right before starting work at The New Yorker. It is called The Opposite of Loneliness. Thanks, Marissa, I'm enjoying it. I'm also going through all of my thousands of magazines that have been coming in the mail and that I brought with me on the trip.

Soon company arrives. Tomorrow, a cruise on a four-masted schooner, the Margaret Todd.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Relaxing Sunday--June 22nd

Staying at home again today. Did more laundry, hung it out to dry. The weather forecast is for 73 degrees as high, partly cloudy, 30% chance of rain, but I'm cold and it's 1:30 PM. Bob's napping after taking his walk. We straightened everything up. I've been working on the blog now that we have Internet through ATT MiFi. Verizon--you've been a big disappointment up here.

Dinner if it stays this cool--hot dogs (red hots) and chili.

I'll spend the afternoon sketching and writing and reading in this gorgeous setting (see below).

This post is probably boring, but, trust me, we're not bored.

P.S. Marissa sent us a report/newsletter about the huskies and the house. We're very happy to report that things are going swell and that Marissa and James are still having fun. Hoping Marissa's broken finger heals correctly and soon without surgery or any other procedure. Mwah to our housesitters who are loving our dogs.

Hanging Out Saturday--June 21st

We decided not to go to the beer fest in Bangor. Too much driving in the last two days.

So we
1. did clothes and hung them on the line to dry
2. tended our garden
3. filled the bird feeders
4. hung one hammock and read in it for an hour or so
5. emptied the rain out of the kayaks
6. drank wine/ate cheese
7. picked wildflowers
8. mounted the camera in front of the bird feeder
9. read
10 made dinner--grilled steak, corn on the cob, brown rice

Here are some unpublished pictures all taken on the cottage grounds--right outside our windows:

Red Squirrel

Nearing sunset

Sunset from the side of our cottage

Our kayaks

Wildflowers everywhere

Cottage tulips

Cottage lilacs

Male House finch


Female Goldfinch