Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 5--May 31st

Went to bed without dinner and I tried to set up this blog, but the hotel connection was slllllooooooow! Got frustrated. Went to bed.

Breakfast this morning--same as the morning before (but not as good).. This Comfort Inn was not as "comfortable" as the one the day before. We did get to drive around the campus of Notre Dame, however. We reminisced about the time we took the kids (they were little) and how impressed Sean was with the football field (Bryn too, actually). During that visit, we walked around the campus and went to the bookstore. I think we bought a few things for the kids.

A bad picture of the Cleveland skyline

So we left South Bend, traveled to the end of Indiana, all the way across Ohio, stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch, mainly for me to pick up a harmonica (I have four at home and forgot them). I need to practice my blues harmonica playing. Hahahahahaha! There was so much construction that even though we left the hotel at 8AM (after breakfast), we only traveled about 580 miles today.

Poor Bob! I don't know why he didn't let me drive at all. We're only two and a half hours from Albany, but it's probably good that we stopped in Syracuse.

Skylar Hotel, Syracuse, NY

We're at a cute little hotel in Syracuse, on the Syracuse University campus. It is an eco-friendly hotel--so besides recycling, the electricity (lights, air conditioner, TV) are all controlled by the hotel key card. If we leave, we have to take the card. It's a beautiful hotel.

We went into the little area of restaurants to go to Faegan's Pub. However, it was closed--ON A SATURDAY NIGHT!!! As were many other restaurants on the street. I suppose that if we were downtown Syracuse, rather on the campus, most of the restaurants and pubs would be open, but we wanted to stay within walking distance. We did find a Greek/Italian restaurant. I ordered Buffalo Shrimp and eggplant fries. Bob ordered a meatball sub--we both had beers. The beers tasted so good after the long road trip and the food was, actually, quite delicious.

We walked back to the hotel and here we are. I hope we get to bed early and get a chance to visit Antoinette and others in Albany for a few minutes before we head to Boston--then to Portland, Maine, where we'll probably stay the night tomorrow, so we can take our time heading along the coast highway to the cottage.

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