Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 2--May 28th

I LOVE SANTA FE. After a fairly decent night's sleep, we had breakfast (free) at the hotel. It was not as extensive as those at other hotels at which we stayed, but it was sufficient.

We left the hotel about 8:30 AM and went into downtown Santa Fe. I visited a wonderful jewelry store and was able to get a few items for myself and Christmas presents for others. Then, Bob took me down the street to a gallery he had discovered on his walk to mail a check to someone. It was all wood works of art--lamps, beds, coffee tables, shelving units, wall art--and so beautiful. I managed to find a piece that I could afford--a hall (or bathroom) tree. Literally, it's a tree that was sawed in half vertically with branches cut short. It is natural--not stained--and will probably go into our hallway. We couldn't take it with us, though, so we are having them store it in their warehouse until we return in September. DARN! Now we have to go through Santa Fe again (;-)

It was another long day of driving. We arrived at Sean's house at about 6:00 PM. Then we all left for a barbecue dinner at Jess and PJ Fallis's new house. The house is beautiful, so is the deck in their yard (which is where we had dinner). Although they haven't been in the house that long, they have really done a lot to make it theirs. They have done a fabulous job. It's a wonderful home to raise their children in. We had wine, roast pork wrapped in bacon with a barbecue sauce made by PJ (from a recipe of Jess's father), roasted brussel sprouts and potatoes, a strawberry salad (that Chanelle made), and a choice of wonderful desserts (all singles that we passed around): carrot cake, turtle cake, coconut cream pie, peanut butter pie, tres leches cake--YUM!!!! Sean picked up the dessert and it was better than anything we could get at AJ's.

Bob was not happy, but Sean decided to redo the ties/straps on the kayaks/roof rack. He changed the position of the kayaks and secured the straps.

Bob and I have a new guest room with our own bathroom at Sean's. His former roommate had pretty much destroyed the room, but after a lot of work by both Chanelle and Sean, you'd never know the very pretty room was left in such bad shape. We managed to get to bed by midnight, which was far too late if we wanted to get an early start.

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