Sunday, July 6, 2014

No lights, no water, no power--July 6

The first thing I did when I awoke was try the light switch--nope, still no power. I then tried to contact my company (supposed to be driving up today) and the owner of the cottage. While I waited for their reply texts, I went online to the power company site.. Based on the information on that site, guess we won't have power until Tuesday at 5AM. How do they know that that is when power will be restored? There are 142 households on this road alone without power and that's one of at least 100 other neighborhoods still without power.

Anyone who really knows me, knows how disconcerting it is for me to have not showered for two days, dirty dishes in the sink, a toilet with yucko in it that we can't flush, and other problems that come from having no power and no water.

Bob went to the local market and bought a lot of ice and two coolers. We then spent the last hour and a half packing up refrigerator stuff into the iced coolers. The freezer stuff is still frozen, so we probably have a little time for that stuff. The veggies will have to be thrown out, probably. Bob is on his second trip now in search of dry ice (for the freezer stuff). I already called a number of grocery stores and hardware stores in the area and no one sells dry ice. It's a Sunday, so even if we found a seafood retail shop that might have dry ice, it's probably closed.

Margo is coming tomorrow instead of today. I hope the power company is ahead of the game and restores power tomorrow (Monday) instead of Tuesday.

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